timely reminder:
1. I don't need a boyfriend to complete me. yes, it's a nice feeling to have. But I'm enough. God's love is enough.
2. There will always be someone out there smarter, prettier, more accomplished, funnier etc. But I'm me, and that's enough. Be contented with who you are. You don't have to do what you don't want to do. You don't have to become someone else who achieves more. Just do your best.
3. Find joy in the things around you. Life is hard. But everyone is struggling in their own way. Stress, friendships, wrong choices, wrong decisions, heartbreaks, family. Make do with what God has given you. It is enough for you.
4. Don't blow things up. It's might not seem for things to be okay, when you screw up. But, then again, life is short, there's always another way out. Don't overthink. Just, move on. Learn and get up and go again.