Thursday, 5 September 2019

Updates 4.0

These updates were supposed to be a daily thing, but work gets tiring and this is just not a priority. Either way, ate lunch with Boss X for the first time - alone - today. It was a totally spontaneous decision, when I'd originally decided to save money for the month. Twas a good decision though, the man is knowledgeable. I guess he also knows my predicament of not being a confirmed staff, so he shared lots of exit ops, things I should learn, attitude I should have etc. To be honest, I don't think he's a bad guy, in fact he is really nice and charismatic in way when he jokes around, but when it comes to work, its business. And I kinda like that about him.

Also, every time I talk to Boss X, he just says so much valuable stuff that I can't internalise everything i.e. I forget bits and pieces of information here and there, so I've decided to create a hashtag called 'wise words (from) william' #www.

Availability based PPPs - government gives X year concession such that they will pay the D&C contractor the scheduled eg quarterly payments on condition that the infrastructure is partially available for the public to use eg 3 lanes of the road are open to traffic.

This reduces congestion and traffic risk issues - thus Low traffic risk

Previously PPPs had cases of non-availability basis, such that the D&C contractor for example get payments based on the toll they charge to public based on eg the number of roads they open. But this resulted in huge failures and other issues so now in Australia, all/most PPPs are availability based.

Given that the contractor is the government which is often AAA rated, there is also lower risk involved.

For PPP projects, the government will open the project for bidding by Contractors (in Ozone’s case = the consortium). Doesn’t mean that the highest bidder will win the project, various factors are involved - the sharpest pricing (value for money) will win. Factors are credibility, experience, innovation etc.

Abatement mechanism:
Pre agreed tendered sum minus deductions if under performance ie subpar quality delivery.