Sunday, 27 September 2020


Just off the top of my head: 

- Clear CFA 2 and 3 by June 2021
- Spend 2 years (tops) at Ntx; move to new/related area in 2021
- Get driving license in 2021
- Shortlist potential property
- Find a bf? 

I've always been a fan of bucket lists; checking things off a list gives me a sense of satisfaction. These days however feel like I've gotta strive extra hard to tick those items off my list - is this a sign of growing worldliness? 

Expectations from myself..., others. 

Just a reminder for myself that sometimes, the successes we see of others don't actually come that easy. Everyone always will have a period of struggle, a period of overcoming that struggle, and a period of breakthrough. We all run our own races.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

daze days

Mundane. These days feel exceptionally mundane.

Work, study, chat with my fam or friends. Rinse, repeat.

Then again, what do I expect? Sometimes I just feel empty, like I should be doing more, but I can't - or just don't have the energy to do anything. Perhaps... I am burning out?

I've taken 2 weeks off to clear my leave, but that feeling of emptiness still lurks; some days it is less prominent, but nonetheless, still there. I really should start reading the bible again - backslided for about a month.

Clearly the pursuit for romantic love doesn't fill this gaping hole. I find myself feeling irked and tiresome from talking to someone new - is this the "effort needed in a relationship" that people were talking about? Sadly, I find myself taking a liking to guys who are out of my league - or at least I think they are. Perhaps, its better that way - romanticised, yet at a distance.

Monday, 8 June 2020

contrasting reality

Relative to my previous post on #goals, reality seems to differ starkly from what I had in mind.

I took a break from my daily workout; eating whatever I want for close to 14 days. Started exercising again - pushing myself bit by bit each day...

I'm currently nursing a bad (real bad) breakout on my face - 3 cystic inflamed pimples... To be honest, I really want to go visit a dermatologist as I have no idea how to heal it, but its expensive. But, buying products is expensive too - right? I really don't know... Why am I still getting pimples as an adult? And what more when I'm not wearing any makeup? Sighs...

Procrastinating on CFA study everyday.

Ok i'm on Day 8 of my bible streak. Let's hope I keep this one up.

Going to declutter my closet this weekend. Lets hope my white clothes aren't too ruined. NTS: Please wash white items more regularly. Or stop buying them. Or only wear them in air-conditioned places... Also, reminder to self: I am poor. I guess this will stop me from buying irrelevant items, as much as I want to cart out.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

things to do this downtime

1. Workout more, healthier diet, lose some weight, fit in jeans, clear skin etc.
2. Study for CFA (6 Dec).
3. Move to a new job, pay raise, new city maybe(?).
4. Read the Bible again, rely less on myself, improve spiritually.
5. Declutter physical possessions, buy stuff relevant to current point in life

Sunday, 29 March 2020


I think I have always been someone who doesn't really like change. Then again, idealistically speaking, I'll always welcome any change for the better. However, right at this moment, sometimes I just wish things won't change - that you'll stay where you are as you, and me as me, and us as us. Changes bring different outcomes, unpredictable outcomes, and that uncertainty just kind of unsettles me - because as much as I hesitate to admit, what then becomes of us?

Us, in any form of relationship, requires effort. Be it friendship, courtship, etc. If there's no effort, then the relationship just dies there and we become what ... Strangers? Acquaintances? 

Not harbouring any feelings, or trying not to at the very least, but just feeling bittersweet about how far we've come as friends. And knowing myself, or in plain general, we'd probably drift in the future.

Things were good while they lasted. Even though we never met, I felt a connection, and I hope you did too. As short as time was, thanks for appearing in my life.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020


Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold.
Talking hours everyday for weeks. Silence.

Was it me? Or was it something else that clicked in your brain?
Am I overthinking things? Or are you drawing the line?

Then, again - what are we? We are what we are, and we should stick to that.
But why is it that sometimes, we cross the line, and sometimes we so strictly draw the line...

Just because you did it first, doesn't mean I can't draw the line too.

Then again, isn't this how all things fall apart.
I don't really want to do it, but because you did, I do it back too.

Perhaps, this was just a disaster in the making.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

one-sided intentions

Maybe it was a shift in the weather. Or the fact that it was the time of the month. Or maybe I was just thinking too much. Either way, I truly did have a mini-or whatever your wanna call it crush on KK. Sighs. Then again, I really wish for him to be happy with whoever he's with now.

Dealing with it day by day, it's getting better. And at least we still talk. I just find myself thinking back to the what-ifs and could-bes, but then again it's better if I don't. Rationally speaking, I might have shown more interest aside from his occasional heart emojis on skype, but then again, it all means nothing. I still hope we remain good friends, and that he'll invite me to his wedding. And at that point in time, I really wish I can be happy for him. 

*cues Oh Wonder's Happy on repeat*

Sunday, 2 February 2020


Was randomly looking thru (my now defunct account) @itsouou and had a sudden wave of reminiscence at my past life. The hipster life where all I cared about was good coffee, nice kicks, getting a good shot for the gram. The chill life I guess - but it was all a facade, burying the worry and uncertainty of the "future" I was to expect back then.

Then again, it was a nice aesthetic period of my youth I guess. Now - no longer chasing after a good cuppa, no longer taking 20 minutes to get a good shot. But sometimes, I feel myself lapsing back to that converse-wearing, striped shirt and tote bag combination of fashion that just shows the hipster I was / wanted to be back then, and now. Heels, midis, tight fitting dresses - those were never really my thing, but yet I feel myself gravitating towards them now as a working adult, where I kind of need to fit in. Fit the image of a feminine, or at least put together lady. Aha, the wonders of fashion to set the impression.

On a side note, really wanted to go back to Korea, but alas coronavirus is here...