Sunday, 29 March 2020


I think I have always been someone who doesn't really like change. Then again, idealistically speaking, I'll always welcome any change for the better. However, right at this moment, sometimes I just wish things won't change - that you'll stay where you are as you, and me as me, and us as us. Changes bring different outcomes, unpredictable outcomes, and that uncertainty just kind of unsettles me - because as much as I hesitate to admit, what then becomes of us?

Us, in any form of relationship, requires effort. Be it friendship, courtship, etc. If there's no effort, then the relationship just dies there and we become what ... Strangers? Acquaintances? 

Not harbouring any feelings, or trying not to at the very least, but just feeling bittersweet about how far we've come as friends. And knowing myself, or in plain general, we'd probably drift in the future.

Things were good while they lasted. Even though we never met, I felt a connection, and I hope you did too. As short as time was, thanks for appearing in my life.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020


Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold.
Talking hours everyday for weeks. Silence.

Was it me? Or was it something else that clicked in your brain?
Am I overthinking things? Or are you drawing the line?

Then, again - what are we? We are what we are, and we should stick to that.
But why is it that sometimes, we cross the line, and sometimes we so strictly draw the line...

Just because you did it first, doesn't mean I can't draw the line too.

Then again, isn't this how all things fall apart.
I don't really want to do it, but because you did, I do it back too.

Perhaps, this was just a disaster in the making.