Sunday, 18 May 2014


I don't really know how to begin this post, but I really need to get this off my head. Yifan where are you now? Are you fine? Are you doing the right thing? Have you thought about this? What's going on?    Honestly, going through the whole fiasco again after DBSK, it just... sucks. I shouldn't get so affected by this, and should continue studying but hey here's to getting moody and sad. Yifan, I have no idea what's going on in your life right now. Is your heart/health okay? Why didn't the other chinese members leave with you since you guys get the same treatment? Is Tao alright? Leaving like that throws everyone off course. Not only the management with the rescheduling of activities and cancellations, EXO with the change in choreography and a lack of a leader, bandmate and friend, and also the fans, who cannot continue everyday life because there is no update on the latest chaebol fashion, their favourite taoris fanfic, or just the thought of hearing your voice on a television broadcast. But then again, Yifan, you were the reason I liked EXO. Thought I was out of kpop for good, but then I chanced upon your face, and damn, I got sucked back in. Now that you're choosing to leave, is it time for me to leave with you? Sorry to the rest, but to Yifan, whatever you do, 我永远在你背后.

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