Tuesday, 17 December 2013


"People are weak when they are alone." -Haruki Murakami

November has been the month which has the most entries so far. And by most entries, it means the most problematic month to a certain extent. I've been going out alot lately these days, with Alayne back, holidays overseas, catching up on social life etc, and most importantly, neglecting my studying schedule. Not that I myself haven't noticed, but even my parents are nagging about it these few days. So here I ask myself; what have i become?

Next year is the Big As, and honestly I'm ultra-super-duperly unprepared. Never is, never will be, in fact. I just can't get myself back to study mode. Honestly, how did I even promote? How did I even get onto that honour roll? I remember when I first entered JC, and how I was extremely uptight about the challenges I was going to face in my subjects. But now, here I am sitting about doing nothing.

Kpop is nothing but a distraction. I survived a year without it. I can do it again. Honestly, I don't mean anything in their lives no matter how much I want myself to. Our paths will never cross, never entangle.   Even if it does, it'll just be a loose knot that quickly unravels. So why do thousands of girls spend hours of their time on people who will never reciprocate their deepest feelings? Now, maybe just now, to me, Kris is just an infatuation, a passing emotion, just like how Jaejoong was to my 13-year old self. How much do I know him? Yeah he's handsome, raps well, sings mediocrely, has a cold image, and that's about it. And the fact that he looks like Jaejoong at some angles makes me doubt my true feelings even more. And now I question myself; why am I even questioning myself about this right now? I'm quite a delusional mess as you can see. But today, I'm letting go. No more fanfics, fangirling, picture stalking etc. No, just no more of this.

I've built a wall around my thoughts. A very obvious wall that I bet all my friends can see. At times, when I let loose, I joke around and stuff. But when I'm out of it, I just get really quiet and angsty. Thinking back, the burning out fiasco during Os was quite embarrassing. To think I told Pang about it. But back then, I honestly had no one to turn to. I really hope next year won't be like that. And then there's the part where Bo always asks Geraldine and Pang out, but not openly. I mean like hey, it's not like I'll get hurt or anything right. Must you guys be so low key about it? Honesty, that makes it even worse. I know I'm not the best at handling relationships, and honestly, I prefer being alone (most of time to a certain extent). I'm an awkward fcuk ok? Ugh. When I go out with one other friend, no matter how close, I'm awkward. Like I don't know what to say, how to start a conversation etc etc etc. It sucks.

My life seems kinda bleak right now. 16 years of floating about and here I am having to make a life-defining decision next year. Which course in university? I don't know. Deep down, I would like to enter LSE, perhaps take law or accounting, or economics, or maybe political science, although I don't know what I'll do with that degree. But yet, I feel like I'm not smart enough. And... why am I even choosing these courses? What's my talent? What's my dream? What's my inclination? I don't even know what I like!!!

Lastly, I'm sorry Lord. Sorry for being such a bad Christian. Sorry for being a sinner. Forgive me, for everything, please. I'm sorry. Ignite a spark Lord. I need it, I need it very much. Will tomorrow be a better day? Hopefully. I need to get back on track with God, with my studies and with myself.


Sunday, 15 December 2013

Empty streets : Busy thoughts

Yesterday was my first ever time spending the night out of home - alone. I was feeling out of it (again) and decided to wander the streets.

To whom or what do we owe our privilege to roam the streets at unearthly hours, alone, unharmed? Especially as a girl, in other countries, namely third world countries like India , I'm prolly sure I'd been raped at that point in the night. Honestly speaking, which girl in the right mind would walk alone at those hours of the night? Am I asking for it? But no, I've decided that Singapore is indeed a safe country.

Relatable words

“Do you ever get that feeling where you don’t want to talk to anybody? You don’t want to smile and you don’t want to fake being happy but at the same time you don’t know exactly what’s wrong either, there isn’t a way to explain it to someone who doesn’t already understand. If you could want anything in the world it would be to be alone. People have stopped being comforting and being alone never was. At least when you’re alone no one constantly asks you what’s wrong and there isn’t anyone who won’t take “I don’t know” for an answer. you feel the way you do just because. you hope the feeling will pass soon and that you will be able to be yourself again, but until then all you can do is wait.”

"From 18 to 22, we meet a lot of temporary people. Is that true?"

“One of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and won’t let you be anything less. They see the potential of you. They see endless possibilities. And through their eyes, you start to see yourself the same way. As someone who matters. As someone who can make a difference in this world.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Procrastination at its finest

So apparently plans fail. My studying schedule has totally been renewed and slowed down. Oh well. Hong Kong was a blast although the shopping we did kinda sucked in my opinion. But the company and laughter was memorable. Wolf dancing, morning tim sum and starbucks hunting, night parties and gossiping/stalking while doing masks, the Heirs marathon, exo spazzing alone, etc etc etc. The loft was great too :-)

Anyway back in Singapore I gotta get back on track. No idea how others are keeping up but on twitter it seems like everyone's got their gears going already. I better get my head back in the game too.

Off to econs! Bye!

Friday, 8 November 2013


Great news! I've promoted to J2. The fear of JC1 has finally passed, and now I say - I'm a survivor! Honestly, it wasn't easy. This year has been the year I cried the most. Mostly due to being thrown into a foreign environment with different people and harder subjects.

But now the question is... Will I survive J2? Honestly, I don't really know. Neither do I currently have the motivation to pick myself up from the poor foundation my studies are built on. I know my marks seems okay, but I'm not really sure of myself as of yet. Today, teachers have been grilling us on the need to start studying, like right as this minute. But I haven't pulled myself off the holiday mood. I mean like the heirs marathon, exo videos all night long. Eu-ru-rong! Awuuuu!

What do I want to do in the future. It seems so close as of now. Can't believe I'll turn 17 in a blink of an eye. This time next year, most likely I'd be sweating my pants off. Gosh. Anyway, I've got a clear goal ahead of me - to clear A levels, 90 rank point style? Maybe. Because that's the only thing I can fall back on due to my lack of decisiveness. It's either a perfect score, or a compromised choice later on.

1. Read more. But read what? newspapers, online magazines.... bleh.
2. Start revising my foundation.
3. Start making notes.
4. Read ahead
5. Wean off kpop. Like how you did.
6. Start a body clock schedule.
7. Be organised! Don't procrastinate!
8. Determination & Grit
9. Fight it to the top! Sunbaenim now go!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Hmm... So how should I put this. It's been a while ever since I last wrote on this space. Through the few weeks that has passed, I'd liked to say that much has been accomplished. Here, at the final leg of Project Work, I have to say that it's been quite a journey. Moodswings, late nights, no sleep (yes, no sleep at all). I'm just glad it's over. Promo results will be released this friday, and I am definitely not stoked for it. Expecting a poor grade, as usual. What happened to high-flyer-me? Haha, I guess that's history? Although, deep down I really hope that my intellectual capabilities will all return to me and flood my life with bountiful blessings in the form of perfect scores for A levels. 

And now, that brings me to the main point of this post. I am long-winded aren't I? Sigh. Anyway, a few minutes ago, I got lectured by my parents on my incapabilities. But the things is that even though I very much wanted to correct it, what my parents were saying to me seemed as though they were trying to push it aside and resign me to the fact that I am so inadequate. 

I know I've been much of a sheltered kid. Having my dad ferry me to and fro from school. Never ever having worked in my entire life. Texting my dad to pick me up when it gets kinda late. I mean hey c'mon, it's not like I don't have the brains to take public transport home, or I'm scared or anything. It's always been you guys saying it's not safe to go home at like 11pm by myself. Like whoa, where in the world was that my suggestion. So I don't see why you would and should laugh at me when I said that I want to get a job after my As? Like which teenager, or which person in fact, would like someone laughing in their face when they are being downright serious. Plus, when I said that I want to travel with my friends, there came the wave of criticisms - you're too blur to get around/have you watched Criminal Investigation/I don't care if its a big group of friends/ You're a girl. 

Like hey, how many kids out there in Singapore have travelled with their friends. I mean its not like I'm still in high school. I'm gonna be 18 next year. Age definitely is not a sign of maturity, and I know I act like a dork at home, but don't you get it? It's just because I'm awkward around you guys. I may regret saying all this when I'm kidnapped and sold to thailand or something, but I would just like to get a taste of travel with my friends. Period. 

So I've decided that I'm going to master korean, before I go to korea. Hahah what a plan I've got there. Also, truthfully, I really want to go to the UK to study, but that being only if I am eligible at LSE or UCL or even better. The thought of spending 2 years in a foreign country seems kind of daunting to me, but isn't that how everyone starts out? Study hard, esther. 90 rank points. 90. 90. 90. 

Which course am I aiming for? I don't know either. All I know that 90 rank points will open me up to a world of possibilities, to be the best that I can be. 

Monday, 7 October 2013


Why do I feel this way again? The imminent feeling of wanting to die or perhaps to put in a better way; sleep forever. I just feel so tired. But what's my excuse? Promos are over, and it's not like there's an extremely heavy workload or anything. I just don't feel like talking, smiling or interacting. I don't even feel like meeting my best friends. I... just want to listen to music and sleep and sleep and sleep. I feel kind of hopeless? I don't know. My mind is not exactly confused, maybe just blank. Numb, even. I don't know. Honestly, I really don't know. Being a Christian, I am an extremely bad one. I've sinned countless times and like I don't know what to do about it. God seems so distant right now. Or maybe it's just me running away. Isn't a Christian supposed to have faith in God's plan and live a proper life? I feel kind of lost in my life right now. What are my dreams? I don't even know. What are my interests and talents? I don't know either. My indecisiveness is getting real bad. Honestly, I feel horrible. Why have I grown to become such an overthinker. Why do I keep plunging into this state of insensitivity. Why do I get attached to people so easily. Why do I look this way. Why Why Why. Some things aren't even that important and I think about it so much; and vice versa. I've changed. I'm not that hardworking kid I was anymore. Why? Why must all my good traits be taken away and all I'm left with are my insecurities and failures. Honestly, I feel happy that my piano lessons have stopped, yet at the same time sad, because of the should haves and the could haves that I could have achieved. I like music. But I don't like exams. I don't like playing something when I don't have the time nor the heart to play that piece. Maybe, I'm really bad at it. I don't know. Tonight, I don't think I'll get any answers to all my Why-s here. I just hope that I'll wake up more as a more sensible, happy, optimistic and grounded 16 year old.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Give thanks in all circumstances. :-)
find joy in the things around you :-)
everything will work out just right,
even if it doesn't seem like now,
God has the perfect plan for me. :-)
Always keep the faith :-)
just do your best :-)
stop comparing :-)
you're good enough for God:-)
you don't have to be good enough for the world :-)
God loves me more than anyone else :-)
I will never be lonely :-)
thank you Lord :-)

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

L o s t

Here I am sitting in front of my laptop, sorting out my thoughts. It's a war inside my mind, I'm not joking. My mood has been fluctuating really bad this week, staying on the negative side most of the time. Worst of the worst, it not only affects me, but also people around me like P. I'm sorry, but I can't help it. Half of the time I'm awake I want to be alone. I don't feel like talking to anyone. I'm sorry, I don't mean it. :( I guess I'm back to this phase again. This time, last year, maybe I felt the same as now, maybe I felt worse. I remember those nights drowning in music, spamming P and cloud just for a companion, but inside I felt really really empty. It was like I was drowning, and I didn't know how to swim.

Right now, it's about a month to Promos. The big exam of J1. Am I prepared? No. I don't even have the mood to study. Seriously, it's been close to 7 months and yet everyday I contemplate whether JC has been the right choice for me. Would I be better off now if I went to poly? Would I regret anything? I don't know. The problem with me is that I don't know anything. Utterly clueless and hopeless. Drifting through life. I know this isn't what God made me to be, but I feel numb and lost at the very moment. I should be studying and yet here I am wasting time on my computer just like the big mistake I made when I was 15. Time can't be turned. If I had retained my top position, where would I be now? RJ, NJ? Dying? It's the same.

Wake up. Please wake up. I'm talking to myself again. It's nothing new anyway. Honestly, I feel like a sad emotional mess every time. I can't tell anyone this, because it happens so often. I'd just be this irritating sad fuck who keeps complaining about life. Also, they have more important things like new friends, chasing love and studies. This is life. I've got to have my own backbone. Independent. I can't always rely on my friends. Only God. Sigh. I've got to stop taking things into my own hands, because honestly, I feel like giving up. I have this strong inclination to retain or to even voluntary retain, because I don't feel like I'm ready, not ready to fight through J2. But yet again who wants to spend 3 years in that pressure cooker and moreover when I'm this socially awkward kid.

After writing all this, honestly I just want to say that secondary school days were one of the best moments of my life. I miss kpop alot. Not just because of the memories, but the experiences. I still remember singing Boys over Flowers sountracks with cabbage in sec1, with evan telling me stories during science lessons. Jacy writing fanfics and drawing manga for me. Fangirling in comics connections and wasting my money buying magazines just to collect posters. Downloading music every week, and just enjoying every moment even though I've never seen Jae in real life. Honestly, It's just all these feelings, emotional attachment. I mean I grew up with them, they'll always be a part of my life. They cry, I cry. It's hard to explain, but when you're in it, you'll feel it.

Maybe it's the delusional world we've all created for ourselves.

Anyway, now I've got no time to dwell upon celebrities. Wake up. Please E, wake up. Everyone's running. The race will end one day. Up and On. Even how much you don't want to.

I will soar on wings like eagles, I will walk and not be faint. I will run and not be weary. Thank you Lord. For everything.

Also, I'm sorry for everything.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Runs & Prata & Shopping

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Started this "Exercise Regime" with Pang last week,  and so ahem we're actually supposed to run every  Saturday and Sunday.  But apparently this week, there was too much hw + too tired + too lazy + (insert more excuses), to go run and so we didn't. So much for being fit. Anyway we ran 2.4 km in the sweltering 1.p.m. heat and after that did some work/played music/occasional chatter/occasional insults etc. 

Initially we were supposed to meet Bunny and Cloud to get Alayne's present which is LONG OVERDUE. But anyway indecisiveness led to us not meeting. :/ Anyway, Pang and I went to Orchard to hunt for some knit/ jumper since its cold over in NZ(??) and we don't really know what else to buy. HAHA lucky us found this sexy back baring knit from Bershka which had this weird elastic band at the back but who cares. The colour is nice right. Ignore my ugly photo thanks. 


Thereafter to keep up with the healthiness we went to get BOOST! AWESOME!!!! <3<3<3 It's seriously damn nice! The berry one I got was ahhh okay I should stop I'm getting cravings which is bad. 

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So.. our healthy living story ends here. Goodbye. 

We ate prata the next moment. Chocolate paper prata and Chicken Murtabak at Ion. How authentic. :-) HAHA but it was quite nice. Ok and unhealthy and like when were we ever healthy??? 

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Life motto from now on. Hopefully. Haha. This sucks. I feel like sleeping right now.  

Wimbly Lu Chocolates

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Headed (or should I say rushed) down to Wimbly Lu in between our break before CCA started. Oh what pigs we were haha. It's pretty near my school, and a short walk away from Serangoon MRT station. :) We brisked walked there in the sweltering heat and VampirePoopiePang kept complaining that she was melting. Ugh what a whiny friend. HAHAHA. The place is really small and cozy and pretty!!! Look at the cute clouds. Also, they have ultra-cute plates <3<3<3 Generally the place is great to chill out. It was not really packed when we went there perhaps because people were working/in school... Anyway we hardworking kids were practising our oral while we ate #lifeofjckids . Sorry to the couple next to us...  

Anyway we ordered the chocolate marshmallow pie and the waffle with salted caramel ice cream. It's quite affordable actually with the bill being around 15 bucks? The chocolate marshmallow pie was really good, just that the chocolate sauce around it hardened by the time we took photos and stuff. PLUS, the scoop of ice cream is TINY. I mean compare it to Creamier and you'll know what I mean. But on an overall the stuff there was goooooooood. 

Saturday, 15 June 2013

D.O.C // Tiong Bahru ? // Itacho Sushi // Hoshino's Coffee

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First up, Department of Caffeine!!! (please ignore my fat and short legs) Exams are finally over and tomorrow is Youth Day Holiday for us :) One of the few perks of being in a JC... Anyway we headed over the the Duxton area to "explore" but this time it was sort of a disappointment/failure as the stores were either closed or sold similar stuff.. Seriously, must all cafes have all day breakfast? It used to be unsual but now its just unsually common. 

Anyway we read great reviews on D.O.C and went to try it out! As usual it was packed and we had to wait for a short while. The place is kinda cramped, and the air-con was horrible, just plain horrible. And since only when we got there did we realise their churros was a mothers day special, so we ordered this apple and olive oil(???) cake ($5.50) and the honey and tea cake ($5) as shown above, plus a yoghurt+honey+vanilla bean smoothie WHICH TURNED OUT TO BE DISGUSTINGLY-SOUR-YOGHURTY-AND-PLAIN-HORRIBLE. And that was 6 bucks. eew. 

So overall, our experience at D.O.C was bad as Pang felt that the cakes were sour (i thought that it was alright) and the disgusting smoothie just killed everything. Plus the lack of churros that I was extremely excited for :'( 

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We decided to head over to the tiong bahru area to continue our exploration since duxton was a disappointment. haha. Our standards are too high :P Anyway to name a few things we did on the way there... 1. Sneeze loudly and laughed like mental kids ignoring weird stares from people at the bus stop 2. Imagining we owned a loft at some fancy apartment and making fake accents 3. YOLO-crossing of main roads.. #badinconsideratekids

We walked aroung tiong bahru and walked more and walked even more. Passed by cafes like Drips bakery/Tiong Bahru Cafe/Orange Thimble/40 Hands/Open Door Policy etc. But we didnt enter any. Instead we bought this giant Big Gulp which we shared and gained back whatever calories lost from walking the distance. #cheapomoments hahaha. So we wanted to eat Big Mama but we totally forgot that reservations were needed and we felt like crying at their door cause our legs were breaking and none of the cafes seemed to whet our appetites. #atassnobbishmoments

Above is just a photo I took at Flock cafe... we didn't eat there though.

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Tired of walking, we just took the MRT to Dhoby Gaut to eat Itacho Sushi which was OISHIIIIIIIIII!!!! We ordered cold soba (portion alittle small), cod liver sushi (superb lvl1), salmon sushi thing (superb lvl2), and octopus sushi (alright), and the bill was quite affordable ^_^ 26 bucks in total! P.S. there was also kpop booming (not really) in the background hehe.

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Lastly we visited Hoshino's Coffee and Pang's pretty sis came and joined us (plus paid for the meal <3) This photo was taken in a hurry thus its ugliness. Anyway yes this souffle was really nice and fluffy. We tried the matcha version which was alright other than the sad fact that the 2 brown balls were chestnut instead of dango :(  $12 or $13.50 (i can't recall) for this dessert is alittle pricey but this portion is great for sharing :) 

Sorry yet again for the super long post! xx 

Creamier Ice Cream

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Last week, I brought DodoSis to Creamier!!! (which was just a few blocks away from my house) Plus, it was a really spontaneous decision as I was going mental from the heap of last minute revision i had to do for CTs... Anyway we ordered our usual double scoop waffles. This time we tried some Horlicks chocolate flavour and the typical cookies and cream. Haha it was super crowded that day. Perhaps because it was a Sunday. And to my Dad's surprise, Creamier's location was his old kindergarten or sth haha NOSTALGIA OVERLOAD. Anyway the waffles were good :) and so was the ice cream! But this must be shared, because two waffles per person is just too much. $10 bucks for double scoop waffles seems rather reasonable to me :) 

Only bad thing = too little chocolate sauce hahahaha 

Sentosa x Haze (PSI 140 max.)

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Yesterday was a day being a tourist AGAIN even though the air quality was so bad! Ventured off to Sentosa with GB kids because Bo had been planning this since ages ago and we got cheaper tix on Groupon! ($$$$$) Started off the day with Toast Box haha and we even walked there instead of taking the monorail just to see the scenery (which was mostly covered by the haze) :(. Check out SwagBo's model strut. 

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We (re)visited Underwater World and relived the moments camping there during GB and running around the entire place at  night when it was closed. We even slept with the fishies above us! Good times. :) Thereafter, we visited the Dolphin Lagoon where we saw pink dolphins and sea lions perform tricks and it was super duper cute! 

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We moved on the Siloso beach and I honestly have no idea where all those caucasian hunks left to because we saw an entire group of them earlier before we went to eat mac. :( haha but there was this sexy lady modeling at the beach and this group of pervy indian men were like eyeing her ass. tsk . haha. We played truth or dare at the beach, had a sand scrub spa and sea water leg bath and also lots of unglam shots (which shall not be posted) were taken. Plus it wasn't too hot making it just perfect! :) 

Lastly, we ended the day eating a horrible dinner (we were originally supposed to go to Din Tai Fung but it was too far at RSW :( ) and we headed to songs of the sea which was cool yet had an absolutely disappointing story line and I'm sure the hoard of tourists from China were bored to tears because they kept rambling on in their heavy accents behind us. 

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Holidays are gonna be over soon! Enjoy it while you can! <3

Loysel's Toy // Windowsill in the Woods // Haji Lane



Yet again it's Pang and I on an impromptu cafe exploration. Yun's schedule is so packed I don't even know how we can ever go out. :-( Anyway, we decided to go around the Bugis area but ended up at the Lavender area instead. Loysel's toy is really out of the way and to be honest, if you ask me to go alone, I'd turn back to the MRT halfway there as we had to walk through this "ulu" forested area (there was a proper road) and luckily Pang had me as her trusty GPS haha. 

We ordered the Big Breakfast which was 16 bucks ( i think) and they had some coffee promotion so we had a free latte (maybe it's because the barista thought pang was too pretty ;-)) But sadly, the latte was disgusting. QUESTION #1, DO YOU PUT SUGAR IN LATTE? QUESTION #2, DO YOU STIR YOUR LATTE OR DRINK THE FOAM FIRST? QUESTION #3, IS THERE SUCH A THING AS COLD LATTE? We were like two idiots sitting there googling how to drink our latte... 
Anyway, uh on the overall it was okay haha it's quite alot for one person though. Yet again, nothing very special. The shop deco is nice and cozy though.  :-)




Loysel's toy was beside Kallang River and there was this park so we decided to take a walk/do more exploration. There was this pretty bougainvillea plant covered sitting area so we decided to take a picture and it really reminded me of one picture on fashiononymous.net haha. Anyway amid the hot sun and squinty eyed me( my spectacles nose piece dropped off = not used to no glasses), we had fun. Doing aerobics at the fitness station and taking pictures of wild chicken/roosters and passing by unfriendly construction workers..Yeah we are weird. 



So we left Kallang and went in search of Windowsill in the Woods. THIS IS A MUST GO PLACE THEIR PIES ARE HEAVENLY, and the place is oh so cute. :> We tried the (last) grasshopper pie (mint + chocolate) and the smores pie. Both were nice and the service was great. Plus they gave us an entire jug of cold water which was exactly what we needed for walking idk how long in the hot sun. For those interested, it's just opposite the Jalan Besar football stadium amidst some hardware stores and stuff. Thereafter we went to Chye Seng Huat Hardware just around the corner which wasn't a hardware store (if you don't know) but it was so crowded (sobs) so no Papa Palheta's coffee for us.  But we did take a picture hahaha we were channeling our inner tourist for the day. 




Lastly, we ventured off to Haji Lane where we saw some filming going on with Alaric Tay and Kym Ng and I can't remember the last person (OOPS). I've heard the hype about Haji Lane since I was like 13 and only now have I visited this place. But in my opinion it wasn't much, yeah cute stores and shops and the like of it but I expected something better haha. 


NaNa's Green Tea Cafe


After the ramen escapade we had it all planned out to go to NaNa's Green Tea for dessert, considering Pang's absolute desire for chewy stuff. Chewy mochi, yam balls, bubble tea pearls, I don't know what else she would want next. Haha. One stop from Clarke Quay to Dhoby Gaut Station, we went to explore the extension they did to Plaza Sing, and it was nothing much other than the SUPER DUPER LONG QUEUE at Tim Ho Wan. Seriously, what's so nice about it? I should go try their pork buns or whatever specialty they have there (when the queue is shorter). Seriously its like 3-4 SBS buses long. Singaporeans are seriously crazy over food.

Anyway, we ordered the Matcha Shiratama Parfait cause it was the prettiest and had some reccomendation on the menu. I've never tried parfait in my life okay (cause I live in a cave). The parfait was huge and my stomach was going to explode that night. The parfait consisted of some firm green tea jelly, milk, vanilla ice cream, honey cornflakes, 3 mochi balls(dango?), green tea ice cream (yum), red bean pastey ball, and cream with matcha syrup.

Honestly, I don't think my photos do much justice to it.  But for a teeny weeny pricey $11 bucks its worth a second thought. Strictly only for green tea fans.

Ramen Santouka




We declared it Japanese Day yesterday when we went on a evening food hunt and pigged out. Though I wasn't really in the mood, we went to eat ramen at Santouka. Apparently my brother's friend tried it at Tokyo and said it was awesome, but perhaps it was indeed awesome only in Japan. I tried the shio (salt) ramen cause there were three options (shio, miso and some jap word that means soya sauce) and the when I asked the waitress what they meant, she looked at me incredulously like I had said something forbidden in a ramen shop. Pang ordered the spicy miso ramen which was like the salty ramen broth + added salty chilli = extra salty ramen. Oh how dumb we must have looked. To me the shio broth was quite nice(albeit a little or quite salty) and the cha shu servings were DAMN IT, generous(and not fatty ^^) unlike other places, but I guess that's what you get for paying 19++ bucks for a bowl of ramen in Singapore.  The ambience was also quite nice with the view overlooking clarke quay and the Singapore River. But, the cozy shop space filled with ADULTS, made us stick out like sore thumbs, with our weird questions to the waitress, dropping of chopsticks and overall awkardness. HAHA, still it was an experience living the "atas" life.

Being an avid reader of Ladyironchef, he declared this as the best and most superior ramen in Singapore..  But I still like Marutama more than this. :P Perhaps my tongue ain't that cultivated yet to authentic Japanese food.