Saturday 12 July 2014

Some days are just a little more sad than the others.

Inadequacy kills. I don't know how many times have I cried over thinking of the many stark flaws evident physically, emotionally, and spiritually within me. Many people would say, "oh everyone has flaws." Yes, that I agree. But do you have flaws so obvious on your outer-being?

Inequality kills. The thought of being worse-off than the other brews a sense of dis-belonging and perhaps jealousy(?) when looking at others enjoy better circumstances than you do.  What's so different between you and I? Comparison is the thief of joy. Think about it.

One year from now, you'll wish you started today. Yes. Just do it.

Thursday 10 July 2014

One can have a life without others knowing.

After wasting countless of precious hours on social media or should I say mainly instagram, I've arrived at somewhat of an epiphany, that I need not flaunt my life i.e. what I do, what I eat, what I have; in order to let others know of my oh-so-up-to-date social lifestyle. I mean like, I'd rather just enjoy the moments shared between the people at the event/date/outing, you know keep it in the circle? No one should judge peoples' lives based on their instagram accounts, even though I'm guilty as charged too. Instagram only reveals things people want us to see. It hides the ugliness of our lives behind filters and carefully-edited photos in square grids. No one wants to see you in your specs and sweats, with that ugly messy bun (that is not at all tumblr-ish) and perhaps breaking out in pimples over stress. It's all a facade, that I as an Alevel student should not be wasting my time on.

6 weeks or maybe less than that to Prelims. So, I screwed my BT2s. Keep up, Buck up. Get back on your feet. That's life. There's a time and a season for everything. Drop the taoris attachment, accept that their friendship is over. Don't keep dwelling on the 'had beens' and the 'what ifs'. It's over. They've been what they've had to be. It's between them. Haven't you been told three's a crowd? Grow up. I'm no longer a youth but a young adult, as Moses said. A professional knows the line between work and feelings. It's time I put that into practise.