Monday 8 June 2020

contrasting reality

Relative to my previous post on #goals, reality seems to differ starkly from what I had in mind.

I took a break from my daily workout; eating whatever I want for close to 14 days. Started exercising again - pushing myself bit by bit each day...

I'm currently nursing a bad (real bad) breakout on my face - 3 cystic inflamed pimples... To be honest, I really want to go visit a dermatologist as I have no idea how to heal it, but its expensive. But, buying products is expensive too - right? I really don't know... Why am I still getting pimples as an adult? And what more when I'm not wearing any makeup? Sighs...

Procrastinating on CFA study everyday.

Ok i'm on Day 8 of my bible streak. Let's hope I keep this one up.

Going to declutter my closet this weekend. Lets hope my white clothes aren't too ruined. NTS: Please wash white items more regularly. Or stop buying them. Or only wear them in air-conditioned places... Also, reminder to self: I am poor. I guess this will stop me from buying irrelevant items, as much as I want to cart out.